If In Judgement I Sit

While dethroned princes ramble round my chair, nimble feet dancing merry tunes of debauchery. Ideas may be subliminal or atrophic to healthy growth, but discontent with rules makes an unworthy bedfellow of apathy.

Tell me: Does the dandelion grow taller by virtue, or by grace?

If one thing is not another thing, does teaching it change my perception momentarily, while fleeting glimpses of backwards ways defeats any pretense of going forward. Not while that chemical process continues, my vow to you.

Tell me: Does the dandelion grow taller by complacency or guilt?

If you were awake now, you could read the writing on the wall behind you. Turn around now, see the label? You are becoming what you have decided, yet not entirely to the contrary opinion of voracious newscasters.


Anonymous said...

Toby, I thought these posts on this blog over here weren't supposed to make sense.

The dandelion grows taller by conformity. Not by grace or virtue or complacency or guilt.

Tobias Davis said...

When the message has altered, metaphors must differ from previous knowledge. But soon the enigma will be re-opened.

The dandelion can neither grow nor perish by conformity, unless an appeal is made. Do you appeal?

William said...

I understand now, about how this most recent post was not so "raving".

I appeal: The dandelion posesses no virtue, is given no grace, is not driven by guilt, nor is it complacent (on the contrary, it's very survival depends on its growing taller). But it grows taller by following God's immutable laws of structure. In other words: the Dandelion grows taller becase God told it to. Can you approach the Leviathan? Or can you alter the times of the sun's setting and rising?

But my saying so does not establish this fact. My words are true, not truth.

Tobias Davis said...

And this is how it must be.