It is not what it seems.

By the end, it looks like it is a transparent giraffe, but the neck looks too short and the feet have claws. Without any feet and without a head, it's eyes look filled with liquid margarine. But where has little Susan gone, except down the tunnel to a plastic future: It is not a future.

Starting over doesn't loosen a tongue that does not exist, yet amorphous sounds sometimes escape the vibraphone even when the discussion is over.

Company is known by the company it keeps, and yet the point may be lost unless one looks past the world of pancake batter and french fries. Trusting a voice leading you through the later end doesn't make you crazy, even though the Red Coats say so.


You know what it is, but it has no meaning, it is often repeated but never understood. It falsifies it's own argument, yet you will still stare at it's cover. Sometimes one must look closer at the thing, looking below the mirror's surface.

There is a number

(It is not 32)

There is a man

(It is not me)

There is a flower

(It is not a daisy)

There is a cloud

(It does not look like a cat)

There is a rain-drop

(It is not a tear-drop)

There is a bit of cheese in the refrigerator

(It is not mouldy)

There is a man, sitting on his couch, wishing for a woman to return.

(She will not return)

There is a tear-drop

(It is not a rain-drop)

23, 16, 4, 31, 5, 7, 21

32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32.

And the numbers keep marching on: 21, 32, 53, 32, 7, 32...

An analogous wave-form to current displacements can be seen by reflecting popular media digitization through an inverse form, or even through alteration of the prime digits.

16, 12, 14, 15, 63, 32, 32, 32, 32.

Not a truer logic could be sentenced to unthoughtful peoples than a lawless system, but rejection of principles creates newer truths -- not true.

In a lighted tunnel, words have no need, but flowing water creates impressions of quantized data for the sickened person.

Does it have a meaning (1, 27, 32, 32)
Does it have a meaning (13, 7, 5, 21)
Does it have a meaning (21, 21, 32, 32)

It has a meaning, but the way is difficult. Transcending law is not the goal.

The Beginning, But You Cannot Start Here.

The enigma has been discontinued indefinitely.

No reason will be given.

If In Judgement I Sit

While dethroned princes ramble round my chair, nimble feet dancing merry tunes of debauchery. Ideas may be subliminal or atrophic to healthy growth, but discontent with rules makes an unworthy bedfellow of apathy.

Tell me: Does the dandelion grow taller by virtue, or by grace?

If one thing is not another thing, does teaching it change my perception momentarily, while fleeting glimpses of backwards ways defeats any pretense of going forward. Not while that chemical process continues, my vow to you.

Tell me: Does the dandelion grow taller by complacency or guilt?

If you were awake now, you could read the writing on the wall behind you. Turn around now, see the label? You are becoming what you have decided, yet not entirely to the contrary opinion of voracious newscasters.

In Plain Language

Thoughts disclose uncertainty, doubt gives pause to stillness. And this is how it was, not that nothing could become, but that the sound more pleasantly envelopes the mind. If still the old exists, does it have meaning? The words cannot be undone, nor can light shining cease to reveal the hidden folds.

A mystery unfolds now, to search and find is the hidden treasure. But what is behind these words must change, and all is the same because of this. It is the secret: Mirrors of language will parallel thoughts, but perhaps you will see through the tunnel of obfuscation and understand.

It cannot be written any more clearly than it is right now.

No painting has ever existed.

These words obscure the meaning, visual stimulation of neural activities is fundamentally an abstract. What has your name to do with your being?

Digital representation of thoughts begins the complex transcendence of reality, likewise your realization follows pixelized naturalism. Rid the concept from your mind.

Particles of data, meaning without understanding, float between you and I. Breathe easy, it only lasts for eternity.

17 21 33 05 71 12 32 06 05

Numerical commonality, reduction of complex sets to intrinsic details requires finite analysis of consecutive products. Freedom ingrained will refuse simplistic abstraction, driving away the monsters of judicial over-confidence. Media empires set sequential derivatives of nuanced prose, complying to the bigger picture, but I see only fragmented dreams unravel.

If you care, if you can see it, come to the night of shadow. Find it, and you will find true freedom.